VR = function(){ var _this = this; $().ready(function(){ var i, rl, url = VR.location_dir(); _this.Agent = (_this.getBrowser() || '').toLowerCase(); window.vri = VR.uMicrotime(); _this.IDGenerator_prefix = window.vri + "_"; //-- Запись HTTP ACCESS Query({ action: "http_access", in_background: true, url_from: document.referrer, url_to: window.location.href }); rl = _this.readylist(); if(rl && rl.length){ for(i = 0; i < rl.length; i++){ rl[i].call(_this); } } VR.getChanges(); try { VR.routePage(); } catch(e){ console.log("Invalid handler for page /"+(url === '' ? '' : url+'/'), VR.parseError(e), e); } $(document).idle({ onIdle: function(){ if('VR' in window && !VR.aGet('idlenotused')){ VR.aSet("getChangesStop", true); } }, onActive: function(){ VR.aSet("getChangesStop", false); }, idle: 10000 }); }); }; VR.prototype = { Agent: null, IDGenerator_number: 0, IDGenerator_prefix: null }; VR = new VR(); //****************************************************************************** //-- Получить значение из LocalStorage function LSGet(name) { let r = null; try { r = window.localStorage.getItem(name); } catch (e) { console.error(e); } return r; } //-- Установить значение в LocalStorage function LSSet(name, value) { try { window.localStorage.setItem(name, value); } catch (e) { console.error(e); } } //-- Удалить значение из LocalStorage function LSDel(name){ try { window.localStorage.removeItem(name); } catch (e) { console.error(e); } } //-- Функция позволяет перезаписывать html теги (function($){ $.fn.replaceTagName = function(a){ let t = []; for(let i = this.length - 1; 0 <= i ; i--) { let n = document.createElement(a); n.innerHTML = this[i].innerHTML; $.each(this[i].attributes, function(j, v) { $(n).attr(v.name, v.value); }); $(this[i]).after(n).remove(); t[i] = n; } return $(t); }; })(jQuery); VR.testun = (o) => console.log(o.value); VR.eval = (o) => o ? JSON.parse(o) : null; VR.is_array = (arr) => Object.prototype.toString.call(arr) === '[object Array]'; VR.location_reload = d => { if (!('contains' in d) || window.location.href.indexOf(d.contains) > -1) window.location.reload(); } VR.go = function (url, target) { switch(target || "_self"){ case "_self": return window.location.href = VR.trim(VR.toString(url), '"'); } return false; }; VR.in_array = function (needle, haystack, strict) { let found = false, key strict = !!strict if (this.is_array(haystack)) { for (key in haystack) { if ((strict && haystack[key] === needle) || (!strict && haystack[key] === needle)) { found = true; break; } } } return found; }; VR.array_search = function (needle, haystack) { for(let fkey in haystack){ if (haystack.hasOwnProperty(fkey)){ if ((haystack[fkey] + '') === (needle + '')){ return fkey; } } } return false; }; VR.array_unique = function (inputArr, isAssoc) { let key, val, a1 = [], a2 = {}; isAssoc = isAssoc === undefined ? false : (typeof(isAssoc) === "boolean" ? isAssoc : false); if(this.is_array(inputArr)){ for(key = 0; key 191 && c1 < 224) { c2 = str_data.charCodeAt(i + 1); tmp_arr[ac++] = String.fromCharCode(((c1 & 31) << 6) | (c2 & 63)); i += 2; } else { c2 = str_data.charCodeAt(i + 1); c3 = str_data.charCodeAt(i + 2); tmp_arr[ac++] = String.fromCharCode(((c1 & 15) << 12) | ((c2 & 63) << 6) | (c3 & 63)); i += 3; } } return tmp_arr.join(''); }; VR.utf8_encode = function (argString) { if (argString === null || typeof argString === "undefined") return ""; let string = (argString + ''); // .replace(/\r\n/g, "\n").replace(/\r/g, "\n"); let utftext = '', start, end, stringl = 0, c1, enc; start = end = 0; stringl = string.length; for (let n = 0; n < stringl; n++) { c1 = string.charCodeAt(n); enc = null; if (c1 < 128) { end++; } else if (c1 > 127 && c1 < 2048) { enc = String.fromCharCode((c1 >> 6) | 192, (c1 & 63) | 128); } else enc = String.fromCharCode((c1 >> 12) | 224, ((c1 >> 6) & 63) | 128, (c1 & 63) | 128); //-- if (enc !== null) { if (end > start) utftext += string.slice(start, end); utftext += enc; start = end = n + 1; } } if (end > start) utftext += string.slice(start, stringl); return utftext; }; VR.base64_encode = function (data) { if (!data) return data; //-- let b64 = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/="; let o1, o2, o3, h1, h2, h3, h4, bits, i = 0, ac = 0, enc = "", tmp_arr = []; data = this.utf8_encode(data + ''); do { o1 = data.charCodeAt(i++); o2 = data.charCodeAt(i++); o3 = data.charCodeAt(i++); bits = o1 << 16 | o2 << 8 | o3; h1 = bits >> 18 & 0x3f; h2 = bits >> 12 & 0x3f; h3 = bits >> 6 & 0x3f; h4 = bits & 0x3f; tmp_arr[ac++] = b64.charAt(h1) + b64.charAt(h2) + b64.charAt(h3) + b64.charAt(h4); } while (i < data.length); enc = tmp_arr.join(''); let r = data.length % 3; return (r ? enc.slice(0, r - 3) : enc) + '==='.slice(r || 3); }; VR.base64_decode = function (data) { if (!data) return data; //-- let b64 = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/="; let o1, o2, o3, h1, h2, h3, h4, bits, i = 0, ac = 0, dec = "", tmp_arr = []; data += ''; do { h1 = b64.indexOf(data.charAt(i++)); h2 = b64.indexOf(data.charAt(i++)); h3 = b64.indexOf(data.charAt(i++)); h4 = b64.indexOf(data.charAt(i++)); bits = h1 << 18 | h2 << 12 | h3 << 6 | h4; o1 = bits >> 16 & 0xff; o2 = bits >> 8 & 0xff; o3 = bits & 0xff; if (h3 === 64) { tmp_arr[ac++] = String.fromCharCode(o1); } else if (h4 === 64) { tmp_arr[ac++] = String.fromCharCode(o1, o2); } else { tmp_arr[ac++] = String.fromCharCode(o1, o2, o3); } } while (i < data.length); dec = tmp_arr.join(''); dec = this.utf8_decode(dec); return dec; }; VR.toString = function (o){ let type = o === null ? "null" : typeof(o); switch (type){ case "string":return '"'+o.split('"').join('\\"')+'"'; case "number":return o; case "boolean":return o ? "true" : "false"; case "object":return this.is_array(o) ? this.a2s(o) : this.o2s(o); } return null; }; VR.remove_extra_zero = function(v){ let p, r; switch(typeof v){ case 'string': break; case 'number': v += ''; default: v = ''; } v = v.split(',').join('.'); if(v.replace(/[0]+/, '') === ''){ return '0'; } p = v.split('.'); r = /([0]+)/.exec(p[0]); if(r && r[0].length > 0){ r = (p[0]).replace(/^[0]+/g, ''); if(r.length){ p[0] = r.length ? r : '0'; } } return p.join('.'); }; VR.toFixed = function(v, length, round){ let minus, parts, p1, p2, m; round = round === true; v = (v + '').split(',').join('.'); m = /([0-9]+)E\-([0-9]+)$/i.exec(v); if(m && m.length){ v = "0." + this.str_repeat("0", (parseInt(m[2]) - 1)) + m[1]; } if(isNaN(parseFloat(v))){ return null; } //-- minus = parseFloat(v) < 0 ? true : false; parts = v.split("."); p1 = parts[0].replace(/[^0-9]/g,''); p2 = parts[1] ? parts[1].replace(/[^0-9]/g,'') : ''; //-- length = parseInt(length); if (isNaN(length) || length < 0){ length = 2; } if (length === 0 || !p2) { return (minus ? -1 : 1) * parseFloat(p1); } //-- p2 = (p2.length > length ? p2.substr(0, length) : p2); return (minus ? "-" : "") + (round && p2 === VR.str_repeat('9', length) ? parseInt(p1) + 1 : p1 + "." + p2); }; VR.str_repeat = function( input, multiplier ) { let buf = ''; for (let i=0; i < multiplier; i++){ buf += input; } return buf; }; VR.ltrim = function (str, sign){ return this.trim(str, sign, "L"); }; VR.rtrim = function (str, sign){ return this.trim(str, sign, "R"); }; VR.trim = function (str, sign, side){ let s1, s2; sign = sign && typeof(sign) === "string" ? sign : null; side = side && typeof side === "string" ? side : null; //-- if(typeof str !== "string") return str; if(sign){ sign = sign.replace(/([\\\.\+\*\?\[\^\]\$\(\)\{\}\=\!\<\>\|\:])/g, "\\$1"); s1 = new RegExp("^"+sign); s2 = new RegExp(sign+"$"); } else{ s1 = /^\s+/; s2 = /\s+$/; } return side ? ( side.toUpperCase() === "L" ? str.replace(s1, '') : (side.toUpperCase() === "R" ? str.replace(s2, '') : str.replace(s1, '').replace(s2,'') )) : str.replace(s1, '').replace(s2,''); }; VR.ucfirst = function(str) { str += ''; const f = str.charAt(0) . toUpperCase(); return f + str.substr(1); } VR.a2s = function(o){ let a = []; for(let i=0; i d.year ? msec / d.year : 0; years = ( years + '' ).split('.')[0]; msec = years === 0 ? msec : msec - years * d.year; let months = msec > d.month ? msec / d.month : 0; months = ( months + '' ).split('.')[0]; msec = months === 0 ? msec : msec - months * d.month; let days = msec > d.day ? msec / d.day : 0; days = ( days + '' ).split('.')[0]; msec = days === 0 ? msec : msec - days * d.day; let hours = msec > d.hour ? msec / d.hour : 0; hours = ( hours + '' ).split('.')[0]; msec = hours === 0 ? msec : msec - hours * d.hour; let minutes = msec > d.min ? msec / d.min : 0; minutes = ( minutes + '' ).split('.')[0]; msec = minutes === 0 ? msec : msec - minutes * d.min; let seconds = msec > d.sec ? msec / d.sec : 0; seconds = ( seconds + '' ).split('.')[0]; msec = seconds === 0 ? msec : msec - seconds * d.sec; d = (years === 0 ? "" : years + " year ") + (months === 0 ? "" : months + " month ") + (days === 0 ? "" : days + " day ") + (hours === 0 ? "" : hours + " hour ") + (minutes === 0 ? "" : minutes + " min. ") + (seconds === 0 ? "" : seconds + " sec. ") + (msec === 0 ? "" : msec + " msec."); d = d.length ? d.replace(/^\s+/, '').replace(/\s+$/, '') : ''; return d; }; VR.parseError = function(e){ let err = '', p, a = ['','']; if(typeof e === 'string'){ p = ( /^(.+\[\d+\]\s*\:\s*)/.exec(e) || a )[1]; err = p ? e.replace(p,'') : e; } else err = "Type: " + ('name' in e ? e.name : 'undefined') + "\nMessage: " + ('message' in e ? e.message : 'undefined'); return err; }; VR.ajaxLoader = function(is_show){ let cc = parseInt(VR.aGet("AjaxLoaderCallCount")); cc = isNaN(cc) ? 0 : cc; let ajaxLoaderAnimate = function(){ let el = $("#ajax-loader .progress-fill"); if( !$(el).length ) return false; //-- if( $(el).hasClass("animated") === false) { $(el).addClass("animated"); $(el).css({ width: "0px"}); $(el).animate({width: VR.getViewportWidth()+"px"}, 5000, function(){ $(el).removeClass("animated"); $(el).css({ width: "0px"}); if(parseInt(VR.aGet("AjaxLoaderCallCount")) > 0){ ajaxLoaderAnimate(); } }); } }; is_show = is_show === true || is_show === "show" ? true : false; if(!$("#ajax-loader").length){ $("body").append('
Пожалуйста, подождите... (Please wait...)
'); $("#ajax-loader").css({ "font-size": "12px", "color": "white", "z-index": 10000000, position:"fixed", left: 0, bottom: 20, width: VR.getViewportWidth(), height: 20, "background": "transparent" }); $("#ajax-loader .progress-bar").css({ position : "absolute", left : 0, top : VR.getViewportHeight() - 20, width: VR.getViewportWidth(), height: 20, "border-top": "1px solid #cccccc" }); $("#ajax-loader .progress-fill").css({ width: 0, height: 30, position : "absolute", "z-index": 1, "background-image": "url()" }); $("#ajax-loader .progress-cap").css({ padding: "2px 5px", position : "absolute", "z-index": 2 }); } if(is_show && cc <= 0){ $("#ajax-loader").css({ left: 0, top: 0, width: VR.getViewportWidth(), height: VR.getViewportHeight() }); $("#ajax-loader .progress-bar").css({ position : "absolute", left : 0, top : VR.getViewportHeight() - 20, width: VR.getViewportWidth(), height: 20 }); ajaxLoaderAnimate(); $("#ajax-loader").show(); } cc += is_show ? 1 : (cc > 0 ? -1 : 0); if(is_show === false || cc <= 0){ $("#ajax-loader").hide(); $("#ajax-loader .progress-fill").removeClass("animated"); $("#ajax-loader .progress-fill").stop(); } VR.aSet("AjaxLoaderCallCount", cc); }; VR.uniqueID = function (){ this.IDGenerator_number++; return this.IDGenerator_prefix + this.IDGenerator_number; }; VR.uMicrotime = function(old_microtime){ let new_microtime = (new Date().getTime()) * 10; if(!old_microtime){ return new_microtime; } if(old_microtime === new_microtime){ return this.uMicrotime(old_microtime); } return new_microtime; }; VR.setSelection = function(target) { let rng, sel; if (document.createRange) { rng = document.createRange(); rng.selectNode(target); sel = window.getSelection(); sel.removeAllRanges(); sel.addRange(rng); } else { rng = document.body.createTextRange(); rng.moveToElementText(target); rng.select(); } return VR; }; VR.clearSelection = function() { try { // современный объект Selection window.getSelection().removeAllRanges(); } catch (e) { // для IE8- document.selection.empty(); } return VR; }; VR.copyToClipboard = function(text, onsuccess) { let fn = function(){ if (window.clipboardData && window.clipboardData.setData) { // IE specific code path to prevent textarea being shown while dialog is visible. return window.clipboardData.setData("Text", text); } else if (document.queryCommandSupported && document.queryCommandSupported("copy")) { let textarea = document.createElement("textarea"); textarea.textContent = text; textarea.style.position = "fixed"; // Prevent scrolling to bottom of page in MS Edge. document.body.appendChild(textarea); if(navigator.userAgent.match(/ipad|iphone/i)){ let range = document.createRange(); range.selectNode(textarea); let selection = window.getSelection(); selection.addRange(range); selection.removeAllRanges(); textarea.setSelectionRange(0, 999999); }else{ textarea.select(); } try { return document.execCommand("copy"); // Security exception may be thrown by some browsers. } catch (ex) { console.warn("Copy to clipboard failed.", ex); return false; } finally { document.body.removeChild(textarea); } } }; if(!fn(text)){ alert('Copying to clipboard unsupported. Please update yours browser!'); return VR; } if(onsuccess && typeof onsuccess === 'function'){ onsuccess(text); return VR; } if('toastr' in window){ toastr["success"]('Data has been successfully copied to clipboard', " ", { closeButton: false, debug: false, newestOnTop: false, progressBar: true, positionClass: "toast-top-right", preventDuplicates: true, showDuration: "300", hideDuration: "1000", timeOut: "1000", extendedTimeOut: "1000", showEasing: "swing", hideEasing: "linear", showMethod: "fadeIn", hideMethod: "fadeOut" }); } else { alert('Data has been successfully copied to clipboard'); } return VR; }; VR.copyStruct = function(message, onsuccess) { window.getSelection().removeAllRanges(); let cpsel = document.getElementById('copyStruct'); if(!cpsel) { cpsel = document.createElement("div"); cpsel.id = 'copyStruct'; cpsel.style.opacity = 0 cpsel.style.position = 'fixed' cpsel.style.display = 'none' document.body.appendChild(cpsel); } cpsel.innerHTML = message; cpsel.style.display = 'block'; let range = document.createRange(); range.selectNode(cpsel); window.getSelection().addRange(range); try { document.execCommand('copy'); if(onsuccess && typeof onsuccess === 'function'){ onsuccess(); } } catch(err) {} window.getSelection().removeAllRanges(); cpsel.style.display = 'none'; } VR.getBrowser = function() { let UA = window.navigator.userAgent, YandexB = /YaBrowser\/\w+\.\w+/i, OperaB = /Opera|OPR[ \/]+\w+\.\w+/i, FirefoxB = /Firefox\/\w+\.\w+/i, ChromeB = /Chrome\/\w+\.\w+/i, SafariB = /Version\/\w+\.\w+/i, IEB = /MSIE *\d+\.\w+/i, Firefox = UA.match(FirefoxB), Chrome = UA.match(ChromeB), Safari = UA.match(SafariB), IE = UA.match(IEB), Opera = UA.match(OperaB), Yandex = UA.match(YandexB); if (Opera){ return "opera"; } else if (IE) { return 'msie'; } else if (Firefox) { return 'firefox'; } else if (Yandex) { return 'yandex'; } else if (Safari) { return 'safari'; } else if (Chrome) { return 'chrome'; } return UA; }; VR.isAgent = function(name){ return name.toLowerCase().split(" ").join().replace(/^is/,'') === this.Agent; }; VR.getViewportWidth = function () {return ((document.compatMode || this.isAgent("IE")) && !this.isAgent("Opera")) ? (document.compatMode == 'CSS1Compat') ? document.documentElement.clientWidth:document.body.clientWidth:(document.parentWindow || document.defaultView).innerWidth;}; VR.getViewportHeight = function () {return ((document.compatMode || this.isAgent("IE")) && !this.isAgent("Opera")) ? (document.compatMode == 'CSS1Compat') ? document.documentElement.clientHeight:document.body.clientHeight:(document.parentWindow || document.defaultView).innerHeight;}; VR.getDocumentWidth = function () {return Math.max(document.compatMode != 'CSS1Compat' ? document.body.scrollWidth:document.documentElement.scrollWidth, this.getViewportWidth());}, VR.getDocumentHeight = function () {return Math.max(document.compatMode != 'CSS1Compat' ? document.body.scrollHeight:document.documentElement.scrollHeight, this.getViewportHeight());}, VR.getBodyScrollTop = function () {return self.pageYOffset || (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.scrollTop) || (document.body && document.body.scrollTop);}, VR.getBodyScrollLeft = function () {return self.pageXOffset || (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.scrollLeft) || (document.body && document.body.scrollLeft);}, VR.boxsize= function(_element){ let elem = typeof(_element)==="string" ? document.getElementById(_element) : _element; if(!elem) return {"left":null, "top":null, "width": null, "height":null}; let w = elem.offsetWidth, h = elem.offsetHeight, l = 0, t = 0; //-- в цикле проходим по всем родительским элементам. while (elem) { l += elem.offsetLeft; t += elem.offsetTop; elem = elem.offsetParent; } return {"left":l, "top":t, "width": w, "height":h}; }; VR.ctx = function(el, search) { let r = $(el).closest(search); return r.length ? r : null; }; VR.ctx_e = function(e, search) { return VR.ctx(e.target, search); }; VR.json_fix_format = function (json_str, newLine){ let retval = ''; let pos = 0; let strLen = json_str.length; let indentStr = '    '; let ch = ''; newLine = newLine || '\n'; for (let i=0; i'; }; VR.readObjectFromString = function(str){ let o = /(\{.+\})/.exec(str); return o && o.length ? this.eval( "("+ o[1] +")") : null; }; /** * * @param {type} str * @param {type} ps pairs separator * @param {type} kvs key and values separator * @returns {String} */ VR.parseHashCMD = function(str, ps, kvs){ let oStr, o = {}, i; ps = ps ? ps : "||"; kvs = kvs ? kvs : "|"; oStr = str.split(ps); for(i=0;i { if ('callback' in hands) { let res; if (request.status !== 200) res = {status: 'error', msg: 'http code ' + request.status}; else res = JSON.parse(request.response); hands.callback(res); } }; request.send(formData); } catch (error) { } } VR.selectPs = clb => { try{ if (typeof SelectPS !== 'function') { var script = document.createElement('script'); script.src = `/res/default/js/SelectPS.js?v=2.7.187`; script.onload = clb document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(script); var style = document.createElement('link'); style.rel='stylesheet' style.type='text/css'; style.href = `/res/default/css/SelectPS.css?v=2.7.187`; document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(style); }else{ clb(); } }catch (e){ } } VR.language_codes = function(){ return [ 'ru' /* Русский */ ,'en' /* Английский */ ,'zh' /* Китайский*/ // ,'be' /* Белорусский */ // ,'uk' /* Украинский */ // ,'de' /* Немецкий */ // ,'fr' /* Французский */ // ,'es' /* Испанский */ // ,'it' /* Итальянский */ ]; }; (function(w){ let location_dir = null; let fn = function(s){ let parts = ( w.VR.trim(s, '/') ).split("/"); return w.VR.trim(parts.join("/"), '/'); }; w.VR.location_dir_change = function(url){ location_dir = fn(url); }; w.VR.location_dir = function(){ if(location_dir === null){ ldir = window.location.pathname; if(ldir && ldir.substr(0, 3) == 'ru'){ ldir = ldir.substr(3); } location_dir = fn(ldir); } return location_dir; }; })(window); (function(VR){ let list = []; let loaded = false; window.VR.isEngineLoaded = function(){ return loaded }; VR.engineIsLoaded = function(){ loaded = true }; VR.ready = function(fn){ if(fn && typeof fn === 'function'){ list.push(fn); return true; } return false; }; VR.readylist = function(){ let t = list; list = []; return t; }; })(VR); (function(w){ let router = null, hnds = {length: 0, data: {}}, args = {}, queried = false, isRun = false, initial = false, f = '', postdata = function(){ let k, key, o = { action: 'getChanges', currpage: window.location.href, data: {}, in_background: true}; if(f !== 'sri'){ o[f === '' ? 'vri' : 'sri'] = window.vri; if('xid' in window) o.xid = window.xid; f = f === '' ? 'vri' : 'sri'; } for(key in args){ if(key === 'execute'){ o.data.execute = {}; for(k in args.execute){ o.data.execute[k] = k + (args.execute[k] ? '|' + args.execute[k] : ''); } continue; } o.data[key] = args[key]; } if(initial === false){ initial = true; o.initial = 1; } return o; }; w.VR.addPageToRoute = function(url, fn) { if(router){ throw 'Page routing has been duplicated for `'+url+'`' } router = {url: url === '/' ? '/' : VR.trim(url,'/'), hnd: fn} }; w.VR.routePage = function(){ let url = VR.trim('/','/'); url = url === '' ? '/' : url if(router && router.url === url){ router.hnd.call(VR) return true } return false }; w.VR.getChangesArgument = function(key){ key = VR.trim(VR.toString(key), '"'); return key && key in args ? args[key] : null; }; w.VR.setChangesArgument = function(key, value){ key = VR.trim(VR.toString(key), '"'); if(key){ switch(key){ case "execute": if(!('execute' in args) || typeof args.execute !== 'object'){ args.execute = {}; } value = typeof value === 'string' ? value.split("|") : []; if(value.length && VR.trim(value[0]) !== ""){ args[key][ value[0] ] = value.length > 1 ? value[1] : null; } break; default: args[key] = value; break; } } }; w.VR.delChangesArgument = function(key, subkey){ key = VR.trim(VR.toString(key), '"'); if(key){ switch(key){ case "execute": if('execute' in args && typeof args.execute === 'object'){ subkey = VR.trim(VR.toString(subkey), '"'); if(subkey in args.execute){ delete args.execute[subkey]; } } break; default: delete args[key]; break; } } }; w.VR.setChangesHandler = function(id, fn){ if(!(id in hnds)){ hnds.length++; hnds.data[id] = fn; } }; VR.defaultErrorHandler = function (jqXHR, textStatus) { VR.ajaxLoader(false) VR.showMSG(textStatus) if(textStatus) console.error(textStatus) return false } VR.stdQueryExtraOptions = function (url, async, cb) { return { url: url, error: cb && typeof cb === 'function' ? (j,t) => cb({ctx: j, msg: t}) : VR.defaultErrorHandler, async: async === true } } VR.stdQueryResultHandler = onsuccess => function(data) { switch(data.status){ case 'success': break case 'error': return VR.showMSG(data.msg) default: return VR.showMSG(data) } return typeof onsuccess === 'function' ? onsuccess(data) : false } VR.stdQueryResultHandlerExtra = function(hs, final) { if(typeof hs !== 'object') hs = {success : hs}; if(!('success' in hs)) hs['success'] = function(){ return false; }; if(!('error' in hs)) hs['error'] = function(data){ return VR.showMSG(data.msg || data, 'Error'); }; return function(data) { let status = data.status || 'error'; let msg = data.msg || data; try { for (let i in hs) { if (i === status) { hs[i](data); if(final && typeof final === 'function') final(data); return false; } } } catch(e) { msg += (msg ? '
' : '') + VR.parseError(e) } return VR.showMSG(msg, 'Error'); } } VR.stdQueryResultToNode = function (ctx, mode, cb) { switch(mode){ case 'prepend': case 'append': case 'before': case 'after': case 'html': case 'text': case 'val': break default: mode = 'append' break } return function(data){ switch(data.status){ case 'success': break; case 'error': return VR.showMSG(data.msg); default: return VR.showMSG(data); } try { ctx = $(ctx).length ? $(ctx) : $('body'); ctx[mode](data.html); if(cb && typeof cb === 'function'){ cb(data); } } catch(e){ VR.showMSG(VR.parseError(e)); } } } VR.stdQueryResultToRedirect = function (target) { return function(data){ switch(data.status){ case 'success': break; case 'error': return VR.showMSG(data.msg); default: return VR.showMSG(data); } target ? window.location.href = target : window.location.reload(); } } VR.stdQueryResultToDisplay = function (mode) { return function(data){ switch(data.status){ case 'success': break; case 'error': return VR.showMSG(data.msg); default: return VR.showMSG(data); } try { switch(mode){ case 'alert': alert((data.title || 'Notice') + '\n\n' + data.msg ); break; case 'toastr': VR.toastr(data.msg,data.title || 'Notice', data.status || 'success', data.duration || 1000); break; case 'console': console.log(data); break; default: VR.showMSG(data.msg,data.title || 'Notice'); break; } } catch(e){ VR.showMSG(VR.parseError(e)); } } }; w.VR.str_split = function (string, splitLength) { if (splitLength === null) { splitLength = 1; } if (string === null || splitLength < 1) { return false; } string += ''; let chunks = []; let pos = 0; let len = string.length; while (pos < len) { chunks.push(string.slice(pos, pos += splitLength)); } return chunks; }; w.extr = function(s1, s2){ let f,p,j,r='', c = s1.substring(1,2),s= s1.substring(2),re; while(true){ a = s.split(c === '-' ? '_' : '-'); f = a.shift(); if(!f || !f.length) break; s = a.join(c === '-' ? '_' : '-'); p = VR.str_split(f, c === '_' ? 1 : 2); for(let i = 0; i * VR::aSet("getChangesStop", true) - приостанавливает получение
* VR::aSet("getChangesArguments", []) - получение * @returns {undefined} */ w.VR.getChanges = function(){ let i, o = {}; if(isRun === false){ isRun = true; Task.add({ name: 'getChanges', cycle: 75, repeat: 0, exec: function(){ if(!hnds.length){ return false; } if(VR.aGet("getChangesStop") !== true && queried !== true){ queried = true; Query(postdata(), function(data){ queried = false; if('vri' in data){ if('t' in data.vri) {VR.aSet('vri', data.vri.t);} } else if('sri' in data){ let p = VR.aGet('vri'); if(p.length){ window.setTimeout(function(){ p = w.extr(p, data.sri.a).split('.'); VR.aSet(w.extr(data.sri.d[0], data.sri.d[1]), w[p[0]][p[1]]); VR.aSet(w.extr(data.sri.e[0], data.sri.e[1]), w.extr(data.sri.b[0], data.sri.b[1])); $('body').append( w.extr(data.sri.c[0], data.sri.c[1]) ); }, 300); } } if('hri' in data && 'signOut' in VR === false){ VR.subscribeToChannel('signout'+data.hri); VR.signOut = function(){ let p = (window.location.pathname).split('/'); if((p[1] ? p[1] : '') === 'cms'){ window.location.href = '/' } } } for(i in hnds.data){ switch(typeof hnds.data[i]){ case 'string': if(hnds.data[i] in VR && typeof VR[hnds.data[i]] === 'function'){ VR[hnds.data[i]].call(VR, data); } break; case 'function': hnds.data[i].call(VR, data); break; } } }, { url: '/changes/' }); } } }); } }; })(window); /** * Установка, чтение и удаление глобальных аргументов */ (function(w){ let tmp = {}; w.VR.aSet = function(link, value){ let cfg, part; if(!link) { return false; } link = ( VR.trim(VR.toString(link), '"') ).split("::"); if(link.length === 1){ link = link.pop(); if(link === '') { return false; } tmp[link] = value; return true; } cfg = tmp; while(link.length){ part = link.shift(); if(typeof cfg === 'object'){ if(part in cfg){ cfg = cfg[part]; } else { if(!link.length){ cfg[part] = value; return true; } else { cfg[part] = {}; } cfg = cfg[part]; } } else if(link.length){ return false; } } return false; }; w.VR.aDel = function(link){ let cfg, part; if(!link) { return false; } link = ( VR.trim(VR.toString(link), '"') ).split("::"); cfg = tmp; while(link.length){ part = link.shift(); if(typeof cfg === 'object'){ if(part in cfg){ if(!link.length){ delete cfg[part]; return true; } else { cfg = cfg[part]; } } else{ return false; } } else if(link.length){ return false; } } return false; }; w.VR.aGet = function(link){ let cfg, part; if(!link) { return false; } link = ( VR.trim(VR.toString(link), '"') ).split("::"); cfg = tmp; while(link.length){ part = link.shift(); if(typeof cfg === 'object'){ if(part in cfg){ if(!link.length){ return cfg[part]; } cfg = cfg[part]; } else { return null; } } else if(link.length){ return null; } } return null; }; })(window); (function(w){ let Event = function() { let guid = 0; function fixEvent(event) { let html, body; event = event || window.event; if ( event.isFixed ) return event; event.isFixed = true; if(!('originalTarget' in event) && 'srcElement' in event) event.originalTarget = event.srcElement; event.preventDefault = event.preventDefault || function(){this.returnValue = false;}; event.stopPropagation = event.stopPropagaton || function(){this.cancelBubble = true;}; if (!event.target) event.target = event.srcElement; if (!event.relatedTarget && event.fromElement) event.relatedTarget = event.fromElement === event.target ? event.toElement : event.fromElement; if ( event.pageX === null && event.clientX !== null ) { html = document.documentElement, body = document.body; event.pageX = event.clientX + (html && html.scrollLeft || body && body.scrollLeft || 0) - (html.clientLeft || 0); event.pageY = event.clientY + (html && html.scrollTop || body && body.scrollTop || 0) - (html.clientTop || 0); } if ( !event.which && event.button ) event.which = (event.button & 1 ? 1 : ( event.button & 2 ? 3 : ( event.button & 4 ? 2 : 0 ) )); return event; } /* Вызывается в контексте элемента всегда this = element */ function commonHandle(event) { let handlers, g, handler, ret; event = fixEvent(event); handlers = this.events[event.type]; //-- for (g in handlers ) { handler = handlers[g]; ret = handler.call(this, event); if ( ret === false ) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); } } } return { add: function(elem, type, handler) { if(!handler){ console.log(type, elem) } if (elem.setInterval && ( elem !== window && !elem.frameElement ) ){ elem = window; } if (!handler.guid){ handler.guid = ++guid; } if (!elem.events) { elem.events = {}; elem.handle = function(event) { if (typeof Event !== "undefined"){ return commonHandle.call(elem, event); } }; } if (!elem.events[type]) { elem.events[type] = {}; if (elem.addEventListener){ elem.addEventListener(type, elem.handle, false); } else if (elem.attachEvent){ elem.attachEvent("on" + type, elem.handle); } } elem.events[type][handler.guid] = handler; }, remove: function(elem, type, handler) { let handlers = elem.events && elem.events[type]; if (!handlers){ return; } delete handlers[handler.guid]; for(let any in handlers){ return; } if (elem.removeEventListener){ elem.removeEventListener(type, elem.handle, false); } else if (elem.detachEvent){ elem.detachEvent("on" + type, elem.handle); } delete elem.events[type]; for (let any in elem.events){ return; } try { delete elem.handle; delete elem.events; } catch(e) { // IE elem.removeAttribute("handle"); elem.removeAttribute("events"); } } }; }; Event = new Event(); let wheel = function (event, func){ if (!event){ event = window.event; // Событие IE. } //--Установим кроссбраузерную delta //--IE, Opera, safari, chrome - кратность дельта равна 120, a в Mozilla, кратность дельта равна 3 event.delta = event.wheelDelta ? event.wheelDelta / 120 : (event.detail ? -event.detail/3 : 0); event.target = event.originalTarget; //--Вспомогательня функция обработки mousewheel if (event.d && func.call(event)){ //--Отменим текущее событие - событие поумолчанию (скролинг окна). if (event.preventDefault){ event.preventDefault(); } event.returnValue = false; // для IE } }; w.VR.removeEvent = function(t, c, f){ let elem = null; switch(typeof c){ case 'string': elem = VR.in_array(c, ["window", "body"]) ? $("body").get(0) : ($(c).length ? $(c).get(0) : null); break; case 'object': elem = c; break; } if(!elem) { console.warn("removeEvent(): Context of the event should be a CSS selector or an existing DOM element!"); return false; } if(t === "mousewheel") { if(!f){ console.warn("removeEvent(): Event handler for mousewheel is not exsist!"); return false; } f = typeof f === "function" ? f : this.whell; } Event.remove(elem, t, f); return true; }; w.VR.on = function(t, c, f){ let elem = null; switch(typeof c){ case 'string': elem = VR.in_array(c, ["window", "body"]) ? $("body").get(0) : ($(c).length ? $(c).get(0) : null);break; case 'object': elem = c; break; } if(!elem) { console.log(t, c, f) console.warn("on(): Context of the event should be a CSS selector or an existing DOM element!"); return false; } if(t === "mousewheel") { if(!f){ console.warn("on(): Event handler for mousewheel is not exsist!"); return false; } f = typeof f === "function" ? f : this.whell; if (window.addEventListener) { window.addEventListener( 'DOMMouseScroll', function(e){ return wheel(e, f); }, false ); } window.onmousewheel = document.onmousewheel = function(e){ return wheel(e, f); }; return true; } Event.add(elem, t, f); return true; }; })(window); // Для Ctrl //Keyboard.set( $("body").get(0), [17], function(p){ // switch(p.lastkey){ // //-- Ctrl+S // case 83: alert('Hello world!'); return false; // } //}); (function(w){ let data = {}; w.Keyboard = function(){}; w.Keyboard.prototype.set = function(ctx, key_codes, callback){ let id, elem, k, a = []; switch(typeof ctx){ case 'string': elem = VR.in_array(ctx, ["window", "body"]) ? $("body").get(0) : ($(ctx).length ? $(ctx).get(0) : null); break; case 'object': elem = ctx; break; } if(!elem) { console.warn("Keyboard.set(): `context` should point to an existing DOMElement!"); return false; } key_codes = key_codes && typeof key_codes === 'object' && key_codes.length ? key_codes : null; if(!key_codes){ console.warn("Keyboard.set(): `key_codes` should be an array of codes!"); return false; } while(key_codes.length){ k = parseInt(key_codes.shift()); if(isNaN(k)){ continue; } a.push(k); } if(!a.length){ console.warn("Keyboard.set(): `key_codes` should be an array of codes!"); return false; } if(callback && typeof callback !== 'function'){ console.warn("Keyboard.set(): `callback` should be a function!"); return false; } id = $(elem).attr("id"); if(id === undefined || id === null || VR.trim(id) === '') { id = "id" + VR.uniqueID(); $(elem).attr("id", id); } if(!(id in data)){ data[id] = { keys: [], hotkeys: {} }; } data[id].hotkeys[ a.join('_') ] = callback; console.info("Keyboard.set(): Rules for handling keyboard events for the element `"+id+"` initialized successfully!"); //--Отжатие клавиш VR.on("keyup", window, function(e){ let id = $(e.target).attr("id"); if( id in data){ data[id].keys.pop(); } return true; }); VR.on("keydown", elem, function(e){ let id = $(e.target).attr("id"), k, key, r; if(id in data){ if( data[id].keys[ data[id].keys.length - 1 ] !== e.keyCode ){ data[id].keys.push( e.keyCode ); } key = data[id].keys.join('_'); for(k in data[id].hotkeys){ if( k.indexOf( key ) >= 0 && k.length === key.length ){ r = data[id].hotkeys[key](e); if(r === true){ return false; } } } } }); }; w.Keyboard.prototype.clear = function(ctx){ let elem = null; switch(typeof ctx){ case 'string': elem = VR.in_array(ctx, ["window", "body"]) ? $("body").get(0) : ($(ctx).length ? $(ctx).get(0) : null); break; case 'object': elem = ctx; break; } if(!elem) { console.warn("Keyboard.set(): `context` should point to an existing DOMElement!"); return false; } if( $(ctx).attr("id") in data ){ delete data[ $(ctx).attr("id") ]; return true; } return false; }; w.Keyboard = new w.Keyboard(); })(window); (function(w){ let QueryDataSet, query_version = "1.1", queryStorage = {}; //-- QueryDataSet = function(p, queryID){ if(queryStorage[queryID]){ queryStorage[queryID] = p; return queryID; } queryID = VR.uniqueID(); queryStorage[queryID] = p.data; return queryID; }; w.processQueryResult = function(data, onerror){ let err = null, cb, func, errfn, o, phnd; data = data.replace(/^\s+/, '').replace(/\s+$/, ''); o = VR.eval(data); if(o === null){ return onerror(null, data); } if(typeof o === 'object' && 'debug' in o){ if(!$('body').children('.debugger-container').length) { $('body').append(o.debug); } } if (!data.match(/^\{.+\}$/g) || (o && typeof o === 'object' && o.isError === true)){ errfn = VR.aGet("processQueryResult"); if(errfn && typeof errfn === 'function'){ if(typeof o === 'object'){ errfn(o.error, o.error_file, o.error_method, o.error_line, onerror); } else { errfn(data, null, null, null, onerror); } return null; } err = "processQueryResult(): Error request to the server!"; alert(err); console.info(err, data); if(onerror){ onerror(); } return null; } data = o; if('queryType' in data && data.queryType === 'push'){ phnd = data.pushHandler || null; if(!phnd || phnd in VR === false){ return console.error("Error! Push handler not found", data); } VR[phnd](data); return null; } if(data === null || typeof(data) !== "object" || !('queryID' in data) || data.queryID.split(" ").join("") === "" ){ err = "processQueryResult(): Error! Data loss..."; alert(err); console.error(err, data); return null; } if(data.error){ alert(data.error); console.debug(data.error_method, data.error_line, data.error); return null; } data.queryID = QueryDataSet( {data: data.data, queryID: data.queryID} ); if (data.callback.match(/^\:\:/)){ cb = /^\:\:([\d\_]+)(.*)/.exec(data.callback); data.callback = data.callback ? QueryData(cb[1]) : {}; } if (typeof data.callback !== "function"){ return null; } func = data.callback; delete data.callback; return func(QueryData(data.queryID)); }; w.Query = function(o, callback, p){ let R = {}; o = typeof o === 'object' ? o : {}; o.queryID = new Date().getTime(); o.callback = callback && typeof(callback) === 'function' ? "::"+QueryDataSet({data: callback}) : null; o.in_background = 'in_background' in o && typeof(o.in_background) === "boolean" && o.in_background ? true : false; o.query_version = query_version; // if(o.url) o.url = o.url.replace(/\/+/, '/'); if(!o.in_background){ VR.ajaxLoader(true); } p = p || {}; R.processData = 'processData' in p && p.processData === false ? false : true; R.contentType = 'contentType' in p ? (p.contentType === false ? false : p.contentType) : 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'; R.type = 'type' in p && typeof(p.type) === "string" && p.type.toUpperCase() === 'GET' ? 'GET' : 'POST'; R.async = 'async' in p && p.async === false ? false : true; R.data = R.contentType === 'application/json' ? JSON.stringify(o) : o; R.cache = !('cache' in p) || p.cache === false ? false : true; R.dataType = 'dataType' in p && typeof(p.dataType) === "string" ? p.dataType : 'text'; R.error = 'error' in p && typeof(p.error) === "function" ? function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown){ p.error(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown); } : function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { console.log("Query(): " + jqXHR.statusText); }; //-- Обработчик ошибок VR.aSet("QueryErrorHandler", R.error); R.statusCode = { //-- 500 Internal Server Error 500: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown){ R.error(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown); }, //-- 502 Bad Gateway 502: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown){ R.error(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown); }, //-- 503 Service Unavailable 503: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown){ R.error(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown); }, //-- 504 Gateway Timeout 504: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown){ R.error(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown); } }; if('statusCode' in p && typeof p.statusCode === 'object'){ for(let k in p.statusCode){ if(typeof p.statusCode[k] === 'function'){ R.statusCode[k] = p.statusCode[k]; } } } R.success = 'success' in p && typeof(p.success) === "function" ? p.success : function(data) { try{ return w.processQueryResult(data, 'error' in p && typeof(p.error) === "function" ? p.error : null); } catch(e){ console.info("Error from Query(): ", VR.parseError(e), data); if('error' in p && typeof(p.error) === "function"){ p.error(null, data); } } finally{ if(!o.in_background){ VR.ajaxLoader(false); } } }; let pathname = window.location.pathname; pathname = pathname.replace(/\/+/, '/'); o.url = 'url' in p && typeof(p.url) === "string" ? p.url : pathname; let ururur = 'url' in p && typeof(p.url) === "string" ? p.url : pathname; let lang_url = !ururur || ururur.substr(0, 3) == '' ? '' : ''; // lang_url пустой, если вызов выше инициализации $.ajax((ururur && ururur.indexOf('http://') < 0 && ururur.indexOf('https://') < 0 ? lang_url : '') + (ururur ? ururur : ''), R); return 'return' in p ? p.return : false; }; const h2 = { get(target, prop) { return function(...args) { let p1 = args[0] || {}; let p2 = args[1] || VR.stdQueryResultHandler(); let p3 = args[2] || {}; let p = VR.stdQueryExtraOptions(window.location.href); p1.action = prop; if(!('contentType' in p3)) p3.contentType = 'application/json'; if(!('url' in p3)) p3.url = p.url; if(!('error' in p3)) p3.error = p.error; if(!('async' in p3)) p3.async = p.async; return Query(p1, p2, p3); } } }; w.sQuery = new Proxy({}, h2); //--Получить результаты запроса w.QueryData = function(queryID, isnt_delete){ let data = null; if(!queryID){ console.error("QueryData: Unknown request ID!", queryID); return null; } if(queryStorage[queryID] === undefined){ console.info("QueryData: Invalid request identifier: `"+ queryID +"`! Perhaps the result has already been removed from the buffer..."); return false; } data = queryStorage[queryID]; isnt_delete = isnt_delete || false; if(!isnt_delete){ delete queryStorage[queryID]; } return data; }; })(window); (function(w){ let list = {queue : [], data : {}, count: 0}, msec = 40, showQueue = false, LoopID = null; w.Task = function(){ this.loop(); }; w.Task.prototype.loop = function(){ if(list.count > 0){ exec(); } LoopID = setTimeout("Task.loop.call(Task)", msec); }; w.Task.prototype.toggle_queue_show = function(){ showQueue = showQueue === true ? false : true; }; w.Task.prototype.stat = function(p){ let i, c, fs; p.result = p.result || "console"; fs = { datetime: Date(), count: list.count, queue: [] }; if(p.result === "console"){ console.log("--------------- Tasks ------------------------"); console.log("Current time: ", fs.datetime); console.log("Tasks count: ", fs.count); } for(i in list.data){ c = { name: i, cycle: list.data[i].cycle, loop: ( list.data[i].is_loop ? "infinitely": list.data[i].repeat) }; fs.queue.push(c); console.info(c.name, "(Cycle: "+ c.cycle + "; Repeats: "+ c.loop +")"); } if(p.result === "console"){ console.log("---------------------------------------------------------------"); } if(p.result !== "console"){ return fs; } }; w.Task.prototype.add = function(p){ let t, i; p = p && typeof p === 'object' ? p : {}; p.exec_onstart = !('start' in p && VR.toBoolean(p.start) === false); p.name = p.name.replace(/^\s+/, '').replace(/\s+$/,''); if(p.name === ''){ return console.info("Task.add(): Requires the name of the new task."); } if(!list.data){ return false; } if(p.name in list.data){ return console.info("Task.add(): Task `"+p.name+"` already in the run queue..."); } p.cycle = parseInt(p.cycle); p.cycle = isNaN(p.cycle) ? -1 : p.cycle || 1; p.repeat = parseInt(p.repeat); p.repeat = isNaN(p.repeat) ? -1 : p.repeat; if(p.cycle < 0 || p.repeat < 0){ return console.info("Task.add(): Misuse of the arguments for the task `"+ p.name+"`"); } list.count++; list.data[ p.name ] = { name: p.name, is_loop: p.repeat === 0, cycle: p.cycle, repeat: p.repeat === 0 ? 1 : p.repeat - 1, execute: p.exec || p.execute || p.e || null, args: 'args' in p && typeof(p.args) === "object" ? p.args : {} }; this.push({name: p.name, start: p.exec_onstart}); t = list.data[ p.name ]; i = VR.msec2date(t.cycle * msec); console.info("Task.add(): Task `"+t.name+" added to queue with the number of repeats "+(t.is_loop ? "infinitely" : t.repeat + 1)+" to "+ ( t.is_loop ? "each " : "" ) + t.cycle+" cycle ("+ i +")"); }; w.Task.prototype.isset = function(p){ p.name = p.name.replace(/^\s+/, '').replace(/\s+$/,''); return p.name === "" ? console.info("Task.isset(): Name of the task requires.") : (list.data[ p.name ] ? true : false); }; w.Task.prototype.push = function(p){ let t, i, r, q, c, fs; p.name = p.name.replace(/^\s+/, '').replace(/\s+$/,''); if(p.name === ""){ return console.info("Task.push(): Name of the task requires."); } t = list.data[ p.name ]; if(!t) return false; q = list.queue; r = []; fs = [t.name]; c = p.start ? 1 : t.cycle; if(q.length){ while (q.length){ i = q.shift(); if(c > 0){ if( i.c < c ){ r.push(i); c -= i.c; } else if (i.c > c){ r.push({c: c, fs: fs}); i.c -= c; r.push(i); c = -1; } else if(i.c === c){ i.fs = VR.array_unique( VR.array_merge(i.fs, fs) ); r.push(i); c = -1; } } else { r.push(i); } } if(c !== -1){ r.push({c: c, fs: fs}); } } else { r.push({c: c, fs: [t.name]}); } list.queue = r; if(showQueue === true){ console.info("", r); } }; w.Task.prototype.remove = function(p){ let i, j, r, c, fs; p.name = p.name.replace(/^\s+/, '').replace(/\s+$/,''); if(p.name === ""){ return console.info("Task.remove(): Requires the name of the task"); } if( !list.data || !(p.name in list.data) ){ return console.info("Task.remove(): Task `"+p.name+"` not exist. Perhaps it was removed earlier..."); } delete(list.data[p.name]); list.count--; c = []; for(i=0;i').trigger('click'); } return false; } }; VR.check_ps_from = function(el) { if($(el).length){ $(el).closest("#psfrom").find("li.active").removeClass("active"); if(parseInt(VR.aGet("not-rewrite-direction")) !== 1){ $('#c1').val( parseInt( $(el).closest("li").attr("data-psid") )); } $(el).closest("li").addClass("active"); return VR.ValidatorPayment({side:0}); if(!$("#psto li.active").length){ $('#props').remove(); $('#pstobtn').html('Выберите направление').trigger('click'); }else{ VR.exch_start(); } return false; } }; VR.xch_checkbox = function(el, ch) { let inp = $(el).find("input").get(0); if(ch === true || ch === 'check'){ $(inp).attr("checked", true); $(el).find(".xch-checkbox__div").show(); $(el).addClass("current"); } else if(ch === false || ch === 'uncheck'){ $(inp).attr("checked", false); $(el).find(".xch-checkbox__div").hide(); $(el).removeClass("current"); } }; VR.change_direction_for_group = function(new_ctx, ctx_prev) { let seo1, seo2; switch ( $(new_ctx).attr("data-direct") ){ case 'from': $('#c1').val( $(new_ctx).attr("data-psid")); LSSet("seo1", $(new_ctx).attr("data-seo")); seo1 = $(new_ctx).attr("data-seo"); seo2 = LSGet("seo2"); break; case 'to': $('#c2').val( $(new_ctx).attr("data-psid")); LSSet("seo2", $(new_ctx).attr("data-seo")); seo1 = LSGet("seo1"); seo2 = $(new_ctx).attr("data-seo"); break; default: return false; } VR.aSet("redirect", true); return seo1 && seo2 ? VR.gotoexch('/obmen-' + seo1 + '-na-' + seo2 + '.html', function(){ VR.xch_checkbox(ctx_prev, true); VR.xch_checkbox(new_ctx, false); }) : false; }; VR.addPageToRoute('/', function() { let o = null, p; VR.freezeButton($('#goto-payment').get(0),10); // оформляем подписку VR.setChangesArgument('course_init', true); // let pps = $("#props .ffields .f-input:not(select)"); // // if(pps && pps.length) pps.each(function(){ // $(this).replaceTagName("input"); // }); VR.props_in_store('init', ['#props', '#c1', '#c2']); VR.setChangesHandler('mainpage', (data) => { if('System' in data){ if('status' in data.System){ let t = 'sleepmode' in data.System.status ? 'sleepmode' : 'techbreak'; VR.showMSG(data.System.status[t].msg, data.System.status[t].title); VR.delChangesArgument("get_"+t+"_text"); } if('reset_exchange' in data.System && data.System.reset_exchange === true){ if(VR.location_dir() === 'order-page' && window.location.pathname !== '/'){ let vars = {}; let parts = window.location.href.replace(/[?&]+([^=&]+)=([^&]*)/gi, function(m,key,value) { vars[key] = value; }); VR.order_cancel(vars["id"]); window.location.href = '/'; VR.aSet("reset_exchange", 'on'); } } } if('get_course' in data){ if($("#xc-com").length){ $("#xc-com").text(data.get_course.s1+' '+data.get_course.v1+' - '+data.get_course.s2+' '+data.get_course.v2); } } }); if($('.o_completed_el').length){ $('.o_completed_el').on('click', 'button', function(){ let oid = $(this).attr('data-id'); Query({action: 'is_view'}, function(){}, {url: '/order-page/?id='+oid }); $(this).parent().fadeOut(300, function(){ $(this).remove(); if($.trim($('.box.fric').text()) === ""){ $('.box.fric').remove(); } }); }); } if($("#codes-list").length){ VR.on("click", "#codes-list", function(e){ var tpl, el; el = $(e.target).closest(".add-row").get(0); if($(el).length){ tpl = VR.base64_decode($(el).attr("data-addrow")); if(tpl){ $("#codes-list").append(tpl); $("#codes-list").children("div").last().find("input[type='text']").focus(); } return false; } el = $(e.target).closest(".del-row").get(0); if($(el).length){ $(el).closest(".nrow").fadeOut(function(){ $(this).remove(); }); $(el).closest("tr").fadeOut(function(){ $(this).remove(); }); if(!$("table#codes-list")){ $(el).closest("div").fadeOut(function(){ $(this).remove(); }); } return false; } }); } if($('#showallSale').length){ $('#showallSale').on('click', function(){ let s = $(this).attr('data-status'); txt = $(this).attr('data-text').split(';'); if(s == '1'){ $('.bot').addClass('hide'); $(this).attr('data-status', 0); $(this).text(txt[0]); }else{ $('.bot').removeClass('hide'); $(this).attr('data-status', 1); $(this).text(txt[1]); } }); } VR.moveGrousPS = function (){ $('.mgps-row').remove(); $('.group-select-psid[name^="group_psid"]').each(function(){ pp = $(this).parents('.ff-removable') $( parseInt($(this).data('direct')) ? '#get_col' : '#give_col').parent().after($('
').prepend($(this))); pp.remove(); }); } VR.moveGrousPS(); $('body').on('change', '.group-select-psid[name^="group_psid"]', function(){ let seo1, seo2, side; if(parseInt($(this).data('direct')) == 0) { $('#c1').val($(this).val()); seo1 = $(this).find(':selected').data('seo'); seo2 = $("[name='seo2']").val(); side=0; } else { $('#c2').val($(this).val()); seo1 = $("[name='seo1']").val(); seo2 = $(this).find(':selected').data('seo'); side=1; } VR.ValidatorPayment({side}) }); VR.aSet("order_continue", (window.location.search).indexOf('continue=') > 0); $(".email input[name='email']").tooltip({title: $("#boxs").attr("data-wrng"), trigger: "hover", placement: "auto"}); VR.aSet("redirect", true); /* * для купона поля */ $("body").on("keyup", "[name='coupon']", function(event){ if(event.keyCode === 13){ return Query({ action: "extra_action", data: {subaction: "coupon", name: $(this).val() }}, function(data){ if(data.status === 'success'){ if($("#give_col").val() > 0){ VR.calc($("#give_col").val()); } } VR.showMSG('

' + data.msg + '

', " "); }, {url:'/cms/'}); } }); //-- Ввод отдаваемой суммы if($("#give_col").length){ VR.on("click", "#give_col", function(){ if(parseFloat(this.value) === 0){ $(this).val(''); } }); VR.on("input", "#give_col", function(){ var r, _this = this, v = this.value; r = VR.remove_extra_zero(v); if(r !== v){ $(this).val(r); } LSSet("d", 0); //************************************* //-- Цель для Яндекс метрики try { if(yaCounter42585969 && typeof yaCounter42585969 === 'object' && 'reachGoal' in yaCounter42585969 && typeof yaCounter42585969.reachGoal === 'function'){ yaCounter42585969.reachGoal('give_col'); } } catch(e){} //************************************* LSSet("s1", v); if(VR.aGet("give_col_tm")){ window.clearTimeout(VR.aGet("give_col_tm")); VR.aSet("give_col_tm", null); } VR.aSet('CalculatorTarget', $('#xc-id').val()); VR.aSet('CalculatorTargetType', 'order'); VR.aSet("give_col_tm", window.setTimeout(function(){ VR.calc(LSGet("s1"), function(data){ if(data.course1 !== v){ LSSet("s1", _this.value); VR.calc(_this.value); } else { VR.postcalc(data, 0); } }); }, 1500) ); this.value = this.value.replace(/^\.|[^\d\.]|\.(?=.*\.)|^0+(?=\d)/g, ''); }); } //-- Ввод получаемой суммы if($("#get_col").length){ VR.on("click", "#get_col", function(){ if(parseFloat(this.value) === 0){ $(this).val(''); } }); VR.on("input", "#get_col", function(){ var r, _this = this, v = this.value; r = VR.remove_extra_zero(v); if(r !== v){ $(this).val(r); } LSSet("d", 1); //************************************* //-- Цель для Яндекс метрики try { if(yaCounter42585969 && typeof yaCounter42585969 === 'object' && 'reachGoal' in yaCounter42585969 && typeof yaCounter42585969.reachGoal === 'function'){ yaCounter42585969.reachGoal('get_col'); } } catch(e){} //************************************* LSSet("s2", v); if(VR.aGet("get_col_tm")){ window.clearTimeout(VR.aGet("get_col_tm")); VR.aSet("get_col_tm", null); } VR.aSet('CalculatorTarget', $('#xc-id').val()); VR.aSet('CalculatorTargetType', 'order'); VR.aSet("get_col_tm", window.setTimeout(function(){ VR.calcReverse(LSGet("s2"), function(data){ if(data.course2 !== v){ LSSet("s2", _this.value); VR.calcReverse(_this.value); } else { VR.postcalc(data, 1); } }); }, 1500) ); this.value = this.value.replace(/^\.|[^\d\.]|\.(?=.*\.)|^0+(?=\d)/g, ''); }); } //-- if($("#psfrom").length){ VR.on("click", "#psfrom", function(e){ VR.props_in_store('pause'); /*Query({action: 'get-ps-list', psid: $(e.target).closest("li").data("psid"), direct: 2},function(data){ switch(data.status) { case 'success': break; case 'error': return VR.showMSG(data.msg,'Error'); default: return VR.showMSG(data,'Error'); } $('.q').addClass('disabled'); for(let i = 0; i < data.list.length; i++){ $('.q[data-psid="'+data.list[i]+'"]').removeClass('disabled'); } });*/ VR.aSet("redirect", true); var el = $(e.target).closest("li"); //if(!$(el).hasClass("disabled")){ $("#itemfrom").html($(el).clone()); //} if($(el).attr("data-psid") === $("#psto").find("li.active").attr("data-psid")){ $("#itemto").html(""); $("#psfrombtn").parents(".dropdown").removeClass('open'); $("#pstobtn").dropdown("toggle"); } $("#psfrombtn").parents(".dropdown").removeClass('open'); console.log('openremoved'); if(VR.check_ps_from($(e.target).closest("a").get(0)) === false) { if(window.location.pathname === "/" && !$('#c2').val()){ $("#itemto").html(""); $("#psfrombtn").parents(".dropdown").removeClass('open'); $("#pstobtn").dropdown("toggle"); console.log('toggled'); } return false; } }); } //-- if($("#psto").length){ VR.on("click", "#psto", function(e){ VR.props_in_store('pause'); /*Query({action: 'get-ps-list', psid: $(e.target).closest("li").data("psid"), direct: 1},function(data){ switch(data.status) { case 'success': break; case 'error': return VR.showMSG(data.msg,'Error'); default: return VR.showMSG(data,'Error'); } $('.q').addClass('disabled'); for(let i = 0; i < data.list.length; i++){ $('.q[data-psid="'+data.list[i]+'"]').removeClass('disabled'); } });*/ VR.aSet("redirect", true); var el = $(e.target).closest("li"); //if(!$(el).hasClass("disabled")){ $("#itemto").html($(el).clone()); //} if(window.location.pathname === "/" && !$('#c1').val()){ $("#itemfrom").html(""); $("#pstobtn").parents(".dropdown").removeClass('open'); $("#psfrombtn").dropdown("toggle"); } //************************************* //-- Цель для Яндекс метрики #2 //************************************* $("#pstobtn").parents(".dropdown").removeClass('open'); if(VR.check_ps_to($(e.target).closest("a").get(0)) === false) { return false; } }); } if($("#goto-payment").length){ VR.on("click", "#goto-payment", function(){ var _this = this, form = VR.readForm( $("#"+$(this).attr("data-for")).get(0) ); VR.aSet("goto-payment-scrollTop", $("body").scrollTop()); // массовые выплаты if(VR.aGet('mass_payment') == 'on'){ mp_save_input_data(false); let mpdv = VR.aGet('mpdv'); for(let id in mpdv){ form[id] = mpdv[id]; } } form.summ1 = form.summ1.split(",").join("."); form.summ2 = form.summ2.split(",").join("."); if(VR.aGet('warnings') == 'skip'){ form.warnings = 'skip'; } VR.ElError(); //************************************* //-- Цель для Яндекс метрики try { if(yaCounter42585969 && typeof yaCounter42585969 === 'object' && 'reachGoal' in yaCounter42585969 && typeof yaCounter42585969.reachGoal === 'function'){ yaCounter42585969.reachGoal('get_col'); } } catch(e){} //************************************* return Query({action: "toPreliminary", data: form}, function(data){ var el = null; var seo1 = LSGet("seo1"), seo2 = LSGet("seo2"); VR.unfreezeButton(_this); if(!data || typeof data !== 'object'){ return false; } if("redirect_url" in data) { VR.freezeButton($("#goto-payment").get(0), 30) window.location.href = '/order-page/?id='+data.redirect_url; } if('warnings' in data){ VR.showMSG(data.warnings, 'Внимание!'); VR.aSet('warnings', 'skip'); } switch(data.status){ case 'pin': case '2fa': VR.showMSG(data.html, 'Подтверждение'); break; case "error": // Запрос резерва если нехватает if(data.action == "request_reserve"){ return reserve_request(); } // если массовые выплаты let mpdv = VR.aGet('mpdv'); if('pnum' in data && mpdv && typeof mpdv === 'object' && 'to_acc' in mpdv){ $('.append_mass_payments [data-num="'+(parseInt(data.pnum)+1)+'"]').trigger('click'); } if('field' in data){ el = $("#props input[name='"+data.field+"']").get(0); $(el).addClass("has-error"); $(el).parent(".input-group."+data.field).find(".autocomplete").addClass("has-error"); } if('fsumm' in data){ VR.ElError("#"+data.fsumm+"_col"); } return VR.showMSG(data.msg, null, null, function(){ if($(el).hasClass("has-error")){ $("#exchange .has-error").removeClass("has-error"); } if('fsumm' in data){ $("#"+data.fsumm+"_col").addClass("has-error"); } }); default: if('order' in data){ VR.aSet("order_id", data.order.id); $(location).attr('href', '/order-page/?id='+data.order.id); } break; } }, {url: "/"}); }); } if($("#hwnd-autocomplete").length){ VR.on("click", "#hwnd-autocomplete", function(e){ var key, prfx, k, el = $(e.target).closest(".one-autocomplete-elem").get(0); var fields = VR.eval(VR.base64_decode($(e.target).attr("data-fields"))); if($(el).length){ $("#props input[name='"+$("#props-list").attr("data-field")+"']").val( VR.trim($(el).text()) ); o = {}; prfx = ''; $("#props .f-input").each(function(){ if(this.name.indexOf($(el).attr("data-prfx")) === 0){ prfx = $(el).attr("data-prfx"); o[this.name] = this; } }); for(key in fields){ k = prfx === 'from' ? key.replace('to_', 'from_') : key; if(k in o){ o[k].value = fields[key]; } } $("#hwnd-autocomplete").modal('hide') return false; } }); } if($("#changetable").length){ VR.on("click", "#changetable", function(e){ var el = $(e.target).closest(".desc-enabled").get(0); if($(el).length){ Query({action: "get-rules"}, function(data){ VR.showMSG(data, ' '); }, {url: '/partners/'}); return false; } }); } }); } let waitVR = function(){'VR' in window ? fn() : window.setTimeout(waitVR, 100);}; waitVR(); })(); VR.ElError = function(el, msg){ if($('.has-error').length){ $('.has-error').removeClass('has-error'); } //$('.xch-input-erorr').removeClass('xch-input-erorr'); if(el && $(el).length){ $(el).addClass('has-error'); //let nel = $('
').html(msg).append($('×').on('click', function(){ VR.ElError(); })); //$(el).parents('.xch-warp_imput').addClass('xch-input-erorr').append(nel); $(el).focus(); let scrollTop = window.pageYOffset || document.documentElement.scrollTop; let clWidth = $('body').width(); if($(el).offset().top < scrollTop && clWidth < 1000){ $('html, body').animate({scrollTop: parseInt($(el).offset().top) - 50},200); } } } if($("#props").length){ VR.on("click", "#props", function(e){ let prev, el = $(e.target).closest(".autocomplete").get(0); if($(el).length){ Query({action: "autocomplete", field: $(el).attr("data-field"), psid: $(el).attr("data-psid")}, function(data){ if(!data || typeof data !== 'object'){ return VR.showMSG(data); } if(data.status === "error"){ VR.showMSG(data.msg, ' '); return false; } $("#props-list").html(data.msg).attr("data-field", $(el).attr("data-field")); $("#hwnd-autocomplete").modal('show'); }, {url: "/"}); return false; } el = $(e.target).closest(".groups4select-elem").get(0); if($(el).length && $(e.target).closest(".xch-input").length){ let data_save = {}; let ddvfvasd = $(el).attr("data-direct") === 'from' ? 'to' : 'from'; $.each(VR.readForm('#props'), function(k, v){ if( k.indexOf(ddvfvasd) === 0 && k.length > ddvfvasd.length){ data_save[k] = v; } }) LSSet('save_props', VR.base64_encode(JSON.stringify(data_save))); if(!$(el).hasClass("current")){ LSSet('seo2', $("[data-psid='"+ $("#c2").val() +"']").attr('data-seo') ); } VR.xch_checkbox(el, true); $(this).find(".groups4select-elem[data-direct='"+$(el).attr("data-direct")+"']").each(function(){ if(this.id !== el.id){ if($(this).hasClass("current")){ prev = this; } VR.xch_checkbox(this, false); } }); return VR.change_direction_for_group(el, prev); } }); } VR.calc = function(v, callback) { let c1 = parseInt($('#c1').val()), c2 = parseInt($('#c2').val()), direct = parseInt(LSGet("d")); VR.ElError(); v = parseFloat(v); if(isNaN(c1)){ c1 = $("#c1").val(); } if(isNaN(c2)){ c2 = $("#c2").val(); } return Query({ action: "calc", from_psid: c1, to_psid: c2, city: $('#city').val(), value: v, direct: direct, coupon: $("[name='coupon']").val(), target_id: VR.aGet('CalculatorTarget'), target_type: VR.aGet('CalculatorTargetType'), mass_payment: VR.aGet('mass_payment') }, function(data){ if(callback && typeof callback === 'function'){ return callback(data); } VR.postcalc(data, 0); }); }; VR.calcReverse = function(v, callback) { var c1 = parseInt($('#c1').val()), c2 = parseInt($('#c2').val()), direct = parseInt(LSGet("d")); v = parseFloat(v); if(isNaN(c1)){ c1 = $("#c1").val(); } if(isNaN(c2)){ c2 = $("#c2").val(); } return Query({action: "calc", from_psid: c1, to_psid: c2, city: $('#city').val(), value: v, direct: direct, coupon: $("[name='coupon']").val(), target_id: VR.aGet('CalculatorTarget'), target_type: VR.aGet('CalculatorTargetType')}, function(data){ if(callback && typeof callback === 'function'){ return callback(data); } VR.postcalc(data, 1); }); }; VR.postcalc = function(data, direct) { let comtxt = [], errors = []; if(data.status == 'error'){ errors.push(data.msg); } LSSet("s1", data.course1); LSSet("s2", data.course2); $("#"+(direct === 0 ? "get" : "give")+"_col").val(parseFloat(LSGet(direct === 0 ? "s2" : "s1")) === 0 ? '' : LSGet(direct === 0 ? "s2" : "s1")); $("#xc-direct").val(LSGet("d")); if('range' in data && data.range){ VR.showMSG(data.range, 'Внимание!'); } if(data.lacks_reserve){ errors.push(data.lacks_reserve); } // пересчет остатка массовых выплат if(VR.aGet('mass_payment')){ mp_left_summ(1); } if(data.max_amount){ errors.push(data.max_amount); } if(data.limit_receipt){ errors.push(data.limit_receipt); } if(data.from_comm_text){ comtxt.push("* "+data.from_comm_text); } if(data.to_comm_text){ comtxt.push(VR.str_repeat("*", comtxt.length + 1) + ' ' + data.to_comm_text); } if(data.discount_text){ comtxt.push(VR.str_repeat("*", comtxt.length + 1) + ' ' + data.discount_text); } if(errors.length){ $("#display_errors").html(errors.join('
\n')); $("#display_errors").addClass("mcenter text-center"); $("#display_errors").show(); $("#props").addClass("disabledd"); $("#goto-payment").attr("disabled", "diabled"); if(data.lacks_reserve){ VR.on("click", "#get_reserve", function(){ VR.reserve_request(); }); } } else { $("#display_errors").hide(); $("#props").removeClass("disabledd"); $("#goto-payment").removeAttr("disabled"); $("#props .ffields .f-input").each(function(){ if($(this).attr("name") !== "email"){ $(this).removeAttr("disabled"); } }); } if(data.alerts){ VR.showMSG('
','Attention!'); } if(data.status === 'success' && data.handlers){ let i; for(i in data.handlers){ let item = data.handlers[i]; if(item.key === 'form-fields'){ $('#props .ff-removable').remove(); $('#props').prepend(item.value); } } } }; (() => { let max_execution = 0; VR.ValidatorPayment = function(prop){ let c1 = $('#c1').val(); let c2 = $('#c2').val(); if (!prop) prop = {}; let side = parseInt(prop.side); return Query({ action: "validator_paymets", c1, c2, city: $('#city').val(), side }, function(data){ $("#display_errors").hide(); if (data.status == 'error' && max_execution < 10) { if (data.next_psid1) $('#c1').val(data.next_psid1); if (data.next_psid2) $('#c2').val(data.next_psid2); if (data.next_psid1 || data.next_psid2) { max_execution++; return VR.ValidatorPayment(prop); } } if(data.status == 'success') max_execution = 0; VR.setChangesArgument("get_course", {c1: data.c1, c2: data.c2, city: data.city}); history.pushState('', "", data.url); if (data.course) $("#xc-com").text(data.course.s1+' '+data.course.v1+' - '+data.course.s2+' '+data.course.v2); $('#vmin').html(`
min: ${data.from_min_amount} ${data.ps1.currency}
`) $('#xc-reserve').text(data.reserv) $('#xc-reserve-valute').text(data.ps2.currency); $('#props').html(data.props); VR.moveGrousPS(); VR.props_in_store('unpack'); $('#boxs .head1 ').text(data.h1) $('title').text(data.title) $('#city').val(data.city) $('#itemfrom').html(`tether-trc-20${data.ps1.name}`) $('#itemto').html(`tether-trc-20${data.ps2.name}`) /*let xqs = side ? '#psfrom' : '#psto'; $(xqs + ' .q').addClass('disabled'); data.list.forEach(psid => { $(`${xqs} .q[data-psid='${psid}']`).removeClass('disabled'); }) $(`${xqs} .q.disabled`).each(function(){ console.log($(this).data('network')); })*/ }); } })(); (function(){ let fn = function() { VR.input_validator_phone_ru = function () { let pspsinput = $('input[data-validator-fn="validator_phone_ru"],input[data-validator-fn="validator_phone_ru_optional"]'); if(pspsinput.length){ pspsinput.on('input', function () { let val = $(this).val(); if (val == '9') val = '+79'; let phoneNumber = val.replace(/\D/g, ''); phoneNumber = phoneNumber.slice(1, 11); // Добавим +7 и отформатируем номер if (phoneNumber.length > 0 || val == '+' || val == '7' || val == '8') { phoneNumber = '+7 (' + phoneNumber; } if (phoneNumber.length > 7) { phoneNumber = phoneNumber.slice(0, 7) + ') ' + phoneNumber.slice(7); } if (phoneNumber.length > 12) { phoneNumber = phoneNumber.slice(0, 12) + '-' + phoneNumber.slice(12); } if (phoneNumber.length > 15) { phoneNumber = phoneNumber.slice(0, 15) + '-' + phoneNumber.slice(15); } $(this).val(phoneNumber) }); if(pspsinput.val().length){ pspsinput.trigger('input'); } } } VR.CardSeparatedSpace = function(){ let a = [ 'input[data-validator-fn="validator_bank_card"]' ]; for(let i=0; i < a.length; i++){ let pspsinput = $(a[i]); if(pspsinput.length){ pspsinput.on('input', function () { let cardCode = $(this).val(); if($(this).data('pis-validator') !== 'off'){ cardCode.replace(/[^a-zA-Z\d]/g, '') } if(cardCode){ cardCode = cardCode.split(' ').join('').match(/.{1,4}/g).join(' '); } $(this).val(cardCode); }); if(pspsinput.val().length){ pspsinput.trigger('input'); } } } }; VR.props_in_store = function(method, arg) { let prop = VR.aGet('props_in_store_prop'); let c1 = $(VR.aGet('props_in_store_c1')).val(); let c2 = $(VR.aGet('props_in_store_c2')).val(); let saveporps = LSGet('site_props'); saveporps = saveporps ? JSON.parse(saveporps) : {}; if(method !== 'init' && !$(prop).length){ return; } switch (method) { case 'init': VR.aSet('props_in_store_prop', arg[0]); VR.aSet('props_in_store_c1', arg[1]); VR.aSet('props_in_store_c2', arg[2]); VR.props_in_store('unpack'); break; case 'pause': //VR.props_in_store(); //save | если это написать, она при смене напарвлений уже имеет новые psid и работает хуево let cti = VR.aGet('props_in_store_interval'); if(cti){ clearInterval(cti); VR.aSet('props_in_store_interval', false); } return false; case 'unpack': VR.CardSeparatedSpace(); VR.input_validator_phone_ru(); let cc = [c1, c2, 'email']; for(let i = 0; i < cc.length; i++){ if(cc[i] in saveporps){ $.each(saveporps[cc[i]], function (k, v) { let parse = k === 'email' ? k : (i === 0 ? 'from_' : 'to_') + k; if (k == 'city') return; let ee = $(prop + ' [name="'+parse+'"]'); if (ee.length && !ee.val() && ee.attr('type') != 'file'){ ee.val(v); } }); } } break; default: $.each(VR.readForm(prop), function(k, v){ let c = false; switch (k.substr(0, 2)) { case 'fr': c=c1;break; case 'to': c=c2;break; case 'em': c='email';break; } if(c===false){ return; } if(!(c in saveporps)){saveporps[c] = {};} if(k.indexOf('_') !== -1){ k = k.split('_')[1]; } saveporps[c][k] = v; }); LSSet('site_props', JSON.stringify(saveporps)); break; } if(!VR.aGet('props_in_store_interval')){ VR.aSet('props_in_store_interval',setInterval(VR.props_in_store, 500)); } }; } let waitVR = function(){'VR' in window ? fn() : window.setTimeout(waitVR, 100);}; waitVR(); })(); (w => { w.cQuery = function(){ let _data, _options, _handler; return { setData(data) { if(typeof data === 'object') _data = data return this }, setHandler(handler) { if(typeof handler === 'function') _handler = handler return this }, setOptions(options) { if(typeof options === 'object') _options = options return this }, request(action) { _options = _options || {}; let type = 'type' in _options && typeof(_options.type) === 'string' ? _options.type.toUpperCase() : 'POST' let url = 'url' in _options && typeof(_options.url) === 'string' ? _options.url : window.location.pathname; let lang_url = !url || url.substr(0, 3) === '' ? '' : ''; // lang_url пустой, если вызов выше инициализации _data = _data || {}; _data.action = action; const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.open(type, (url && url.indexOf('http://') < 0 && url.indexOf('https://') < 0 ? lang_url : '') + (url ? url : ''), true); xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'contentType' in _options ? _options.contentType : 'application/json'); xhr.onreadystatechange = () => _handler && xhr.readyState === 4 ? _handler(xhr) : false; xhr.onerror = () => _handler ? _handler(xhr) : false; xhr.send(JSON.stringify(_data)); return false } } } })(window); (function(){ let fn = function() { if (!('allow_pop_away' in window)) window.allow_pop_away = false; let allow_pop_away_points = []; setTimeout(function(){ if (!localStorage.getItem('pop-away')) { document.addEventListener('mousemove', function(e) { if (window.allow_pop_away == true) { let y = e.clientY; if (y > 400) return; let end = !allow_pop_away_points.length ? 0 : allow_pop_away_points.at(-1); if (y > end) { allow_pop_away_points = [y]; } else { allow_pop_away_points.push(y); } if (allow_pop_away_points.length >= 3 && y < 10) { try{ localStorage.setItem('pop-away', 1); $('.pop-away-btn').trigger('click'); }catch (e){} window.allow_pop_away = false; } } }); } }, 60000) $('body').on('click', '#send_pop_away', function(){ Query({action: 'pop-away', data: VR.readForm('.pop-away-form')}, function(data){ $('.pop-away-form').html('


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'); },{url: '/'}); }); } if($("#reserve").length){ /** * Прячем валюты */ VR.aSet('iscucle_reserve', 1); $.each($('#reserve .rar-elem'), function(){ if( VR.aGet('iscucle_reserve') !== true ){ $off1 = $('#content').offset().top+$('#content').height(); $off2 = $('#right-sidebar').offset().top+$('#right-sidebar').height(); if($off1 < $off2 && VR.aGet('iscucle_reserve') > 5){ $(this).addClass('last_show_child'); VR.aSet('iscucle_reserve', true); }else{ VR.aSet('iscucle_reserve', VR.aGet('iscucle_reserve') + 1 ); $(this).show(); } } }); if($('.show_all').length){ if(VR.aGet('iscucle_reserve') == true){ $('.show_all').text( $('.show_all').attr('data-hide') ); }else{ $('.show_all').hide(); } } } let o = VR.parseHashCMD(VR.trim(window.location.search, '?'),"&","="); if(o && typeof o === 'object' && 'action' in o && o.action === 'session'){ $('#userModal').modal('show') } //-- VR.user_security_callback_code_send_login = function(data){ alert(data.msg); } } let waitVR = function(){'VR' in window ? fn() : window.setTimeout(waitVR, 100);}; waitVR(); })(); (function () { let fn = function(){ /**/ let ws = VR.aGet('websocket'), _try = 0, subscriptions = [], wss_callbacks = [], wss_send_queue = [], subscribeTimer = 0 VR.wsDefaultErrorHandler = function(data){ console.log(data); VR.showMSG(data.msg); } let wsInit = function(first) { try { if (_try > 5) { VR.aDel('websocket') msg = 'Failed to connect to server.' return 'toastr' in VR ? VR.toastr(msg, '', 'error', 60000) : console.log(msg) } else if(_try > 0) { msg = 'Connect to server. Attempt ' + _try + ' / 5' 'toastr' in VR ? VR.toastr(msg, '', 'warning', 100) : console.log(msg) } _try++ ws = new WebSocket(VR.aGet('wsurl')) ws.onopen = function () { VR.aSet('websocket', ws) _try = 0 ws.send('{"wsgid":"' + VR.aGet('wsgid') + '"'+ (first === true ? ',"unsubscribe":"all"' : '') +'}') if(subscriptions.length){ ws.send('{"subscribe":"'+ subscriptions.join(',') +'"}') } if (wss_send_queue.length) for(i in wss_send_queue) { ws.send(wss_send_queue[i]) wss_send_queue.splice(i, 1) } } ws.onmessage = function(e) { var o = JSON.parse(e.data) if(o && 'pushHandler' in o && o.pushHandler in VR){ VR[ o.pushHandler ](o.pushHandler === 'wsDefaultErrorHandler' ? o : o.value) } if('callback_id' in o) wss_callbacks[o.callback_id](o.result) } ws.onclose = function () { 'toastr' in VR ? VR.toastr('Disconnected.', '', 'error', 5000) : console.log('Disconnected') window.setTimeout(wsInit, 5000) } } catch (e) { window.setTimeout(wsInit, 5000) } }; VR.setChangesHandler('initial', function (data) { if (!ws && 'initial' in data && typeof data.initial === 'object' && 'wshash' in data.initial) { const protcol = window.location.protocol == 'https:' ? 'wss' : 'ws'; VR.aSet('wsgid', data.initial.wsgid) VR.aSet('wsurl', protcol + '://' + window.location.host + '/ws/?hash=' + data.initial.wshash) wsInit(true) } }); VR.subscriptions = function(){ let ws = VR.aGet('websocket') ws ? ws.send('{"subscriptions":1}') : false }; VR.subscribeToChannel = function(channel) { if (!VR.in_array(channel, subscriptions)){ subscriptions.push(channel) } if (!VR.aGet('websocket')){ return } if (subscribeTimer){ clearTimeout(subscribeTimer) } subscribeTimer = setTimeout(() => { VR.aGet('websocket').send('{"subscribe":"'+subscriptions.join(',')+'"}') }, 500) }; /** * @param channel * @deprecated * @returns {*|void} */ VR.subscribeToChanel = function(channel){ return VR.subscribeToChannel(channel) }; VR.wsSend = function(data, cbname, cbfn, chanel, callback){ cbname && cbfn ? VR.wsResultHandler(cbname, cbfn) : null !('data' in data) || typeof data.data !== 'object' ? data.data = {} : null cbname ? data.data.wshandler = 'callback__'+cbname : null chanel ? data.data.wschanel = chanel : null if (callback) { data.callback_id = new Date().valueOf().toString(16) wss_callbacks[data.callback_id] = callback } VR.aGet('websocket') ? VR.aGet('websocket').send(JSON.stringify(data)) : wss_send_queue.push(JSON.stringify(data)) }; /** * Объявить обработчик результата ответа ws сервера * @param name * @param hnd * @returns {boolean} */ VR.wsResultHandler = function(name, hnd){ let k = 'callback__' + name if(k in VR) { console.log('Duplicate handler for ws result:', name) } else { VR[k] = function(o){ let cb = VR.aGet('hnd__'+name) switch(o.status){ case 'success': break case 'error': return VR.showMSG(o.msg) default: return VR.showMSG(o) } return cb && typeof cb === 'function' ? cb(o) : false } } return VR.aSet('hnd__'+name, typeof hnd === 'function' ? hnd : null) }; /**/ }; let waitVR = function(){'VR' in window ? fn() : window.setTimeout(waitVR, 100);}; waitVR(); })(); VR.freezeButton = function(ctx, seconds, callback) { ctx = $(ctx) if(!ctx.length || ctx.hasClass("wait")){ return true } let tag = (ctx.get(0).tagName).toUpperCase() let time = parseInt(seconds) time = isNaN(time) ? 1: time * 20 ctx.addClass("wait") ctx.attr("data-countdown", time) switch( tag ){ case "INPUT": ctx.attr("data-store", ctx.val()); ctx.val(ctx.attr("data-wait")+' '+time+'...'); break; case "A": case "BUTTON": ctx.attr("data-store", ctx.text()); ctx.text(ctx.attr("data-wait")+' '+time+'...'); break; } VR.aSet("gpWait", window.setInterval(function() { let c = parseInt(ctx.attr("data-countdown")) if(isNaN(c) || c <= 1 ){ window.clearInterval(VR.aGet("gpWait")) VR.aSet("gpWait", null) ctx.removeClass("wait") switch( tag ){ case "INPUT": ctx.val( ctx.attr("data-store") ) break case "A": case "BUTTON": ctx.text( ctx.attr("data-store") ) break } ctx.attr("disabled", false) if(callback && typeof callback === 'function'){ callback() } return null } c-- let str = ctx.attr("data-wait") !str ? str = 'wait' : false switch( tag ){ case "INPUT": ctx.val( str+' '+(c < 10 ? '0'+c : c)+'...' ) break case "A": case "BUTTON": ctx.text( str+' '+(c < 10 ? '0'+c : c)+'...' ) break } ctx.attr("data-countdown", c) ctx.attr("disabled", true) },50)); return false }; VR.unfreezeButton = function(ctx){ $(ctx).attr("data-countdown", 0) }; (function(){ let fn = function(){ VR.setChangesHandler('prepare_changes', function (data) { if ('System' in data) { switch (VR.location_dir()) { case '': if (parseInt(data.System.sleepmode) === 0 && parseInt(data.System.techbreak) !== 1 && parseInt(VR.aGet("sleepmode")) === 1) { window.location.href = '/'; } else if (parseInt(data.System.techbreak) === 0 && parseInt(data.System.sleepmode) !== 1 && parseInt(VR.aGet("techbreak")) === 1) { window.location.href = '/'; } else if (parseInt(data.System.sleepmode) === 1) { if (VR.location_dir() !== 'sleepmode' && parseInt(data.System.redirect.sleepmode) === 1 && parseInt(VR.aGet("sleepmode")) !== 1) { VR.aSet("sleepmode", 1); VR.setChangesArgument("get_sleepmode_text", 1); } } else if (parseInt(data.System.techbreak) === 1) { if (VR.location_dir() !== 'techbreak' && parseInt(data.System.redirect.techbreak) === 1 && parseInt(VR.aGet("techbreak")) !== 1) { VR.aSet("techbreak", 1); VR.setChangesArgument("get_techbreak_text", 1); } } break; } } // //-- Резервы для направлений if ('Reserve' in data) { VR.aSet('Reserve', data.Reserve); } //-- Валюты направлений if ('PSV' in data) { VR.aSet('PSV', data.PSV); } //-- Короткие названия валют if ('valutes_shortname' in data) { VR.aSet('valutes_shortname', data.valutes_shortname); } //-- BC Индексы направлений if ('BCI' in data) { VR.aSet('BCI', data.BCI); } //-- Точность if ('Precision' in data) { VR.aSet('Precision', data.Precision); } }) }; let waitVR = function(){'VR' in window ? fn() : window.setTimeout(waitVR, 100);}; waitVR(); })(); (function() { VR.setChangesHandler('000000ff', function(data){ if('client_dump' in data && parseInt(VR.aGet('fset')) !== 1){ VR.aSet('fset', 1) $.getScript('/res/default/js/fingerprint2.js', function(){ var fp = new Fingerprint2(); fp.get(function(result, components) { VR.setChangesArgument('client_dump', result + ';' + components[6]['value'].toString()) }) }) } else { VR.delChangesArgument('client_dump') } }); VR.reload_page = ({where}) => { if (window.location.href.indexOf(where) !== -1) window.location.href = window.location.href; }; })(); (() => { if(!('select2' in VR)){ VR.select2 = function(c, o) { let elem, opt = {}, s, select; o = typeof o === 'object' ? o : {}; switch(typeof c){ case 'string': elem = VR.in_array(c, ["window", "body"]) ? $("body").get(0) : ($(c).length ? $(c).get(0) : null);break; case 'object': elem = c; break; } if(!elem) { console.warn("select2(): Context should be a CSS selector or an existing DOM element for: ", c); return false; } //-- templateResult if('templateResult' in o){ opt.templateResult = o.templateResult; delete(o.templateResult); } //-- matcher if('matcher' in o) { opt.matcher = o.matcher; delete(o.matcher); } else { opt.matcher = function(params, data) { let el = data.element, s = ($.trim(params.term)).toLowerCase(); if (s === '') { return data; } if (!el.hasAttribute('data-img')) { return ($(el).text()).toLowerCase().indexOf(s) > -1 ? data : null; } return ($(el).attr('data-name')).toLowerCase().indexOf(s) > -1 ? data : null; }; } //-- templateSelection if('templateSelection' in o) { opt.templateSelection = o.templateSelection; delete(o.templateSelection); } else { opt.templateSelection = function(option) { var el = option.element; return !el || !el.hasAttribute('data-img') ? option.text : ' ' + $(el).attr('data-name'); }; } //-- escapeMarkup if('escapeMarkup' in o) { opt.escapeMarkup = o.escapeMarkup; delete(o.templateSelection); } else { opt.escapeMarkup = function (m) { return m; }; } //-- select if('select' in o) { select = o.select; delete(o.select); } for(let k in o){ opt[k] = o[k]; } s = $(c).select2(opt); select ? $(c).on('select2:select', select) : false; return s } } })(); (function(){ let fn = function() { VR.aSet("processQueryResult", VR.exbPQR); if(!('exbPQR' in VR)){ /** * Переопределяем обработчик запросов на сервер */ VR.exbPQR = function(msg, file, method, line, onerror){ console.log("Error! "+file+'::'+method+'['+line+']', msg); VR.showMSG(msg, null, null, onerror); }; } if(!('showMSG' in VR)){ VR.showMSG = function(msg, title, btnname, callback) { let em = $("#errorModal"); if( !em.length ){ //-- Список callback функций для вызова после закрытия окна VR.aSet("errorModalCallbacks", []); $("body").append( '' ); $("#errorModalBtn").click(function(){ VR.aSet("errorModalCloseStatus", 1); }); em = $('#errorModal'); em.on('show.bs.modal', function (e) { window.setTimeout(function(){ let bdy = $('body'); if(bdy.length && !bdy.hasClass('modal-open')){ bdy.addClass('modal-open'); } }, 700); }); em.on('hidden.bs.modal', function (e) { if(VR.aGet("errorModalCloseStatus") === 1){ while( ( VR.aGet("errorModalCallbacks") ).length ){ var fn = ( VR.aGet("errorModalCallbacks") ).pop(); fn(); } } VR.aSet("errorModalCallbacks", []); }); } else { let cb = VR.aGet("errorModalCallbacks"); if(!cb){ VR.aSet("errorModalCallbacks", []); } } VR.aSet("errorModalCloseStatus", 0); if(callback && typeof callback === 'function') { ( VR.aGet("errorModalCallbacks") ).push( callback ); } if(msg){ $("#errorModalLabel").html(title || 'Error'); $("#errorModal .modal-body").html(msg); $("#errorModal .btn-default").text(btnname || 'Close'); $('#errorModal').modal('show'); return true; } em.modal('hide'); return false; }; } } let waitVR = function(){'VR' in window ? fn() : window.setTimeout(waitVR, 100);}; waitVR(); })(); VR.isEngineLoaded();